So much of what we are called to do as people and as
Christians centers on relationship.
Relationship with our family and
friends, with the poor and those in need, with ourselves, with our environment, with God, etc. Now that I have spent close to 10 months in
South Africa, I find I am constantly reminded of the importance of relationship
through my interactions with the students, teachers, and monks I am
surrounded by on a daily basis. These
relationships have grown to be a part of me, and me a part of them. One of the beauties of being thrust into a
new experience and culture is realizing that the people we saw as different or
less privileged than us actually have strengths and gifts where we ourselves may be weak or less privileged in our own lives.
Thomas Merton, a Trappist
Monk, wrote, “’God’s will’ is certainly found in anything that is required of
us in order that we may be united with one another in love.”
We are called to
relationship not merely to do good deeds for the people and things around us,
but because it is through our relationships that we come closer God.
Hanging out with Thembelanie, Br. Josias, and Bongisani |
Nyangayethu, Siphosiso, Masixole, Simamkele, Xolisa |
Simamkele and Siviwe |
The Brothers |